Safety Center
- Our Code of Conduct
- How we moderate content
- Making Reports and appealing decisions
- Wellness resources

At Wildlife Studios, our goal is to create games that foster safe, fair, and inclusive environments for all of our players.
To do this, we use a combination of technology and people to identify and remove violations of our Code of Conduct. We also continually improve our safety policies and products to support the overall safety of our games.
Our policies have been designed with fostering an experience that prioritizes safety, inclusion, and fairness in mind. Our policies apply to everyone and all content, and we strive to be consistent and equitable in our enforcement.
- Abuse of Wildlife Studios Employees/Affiliates
- Bullying and harassment
- Cheating and hacks
- Commercial Content
- Cruel & Insensitive
- Doxxing
- Graphic Content
- Hateful Content
- Illegal & Regulated Activities
- Impersonation
- Minor Safety
- Misinformation
- Misuse of the Report System
- Political Speech
- Religious Speech
- Sexual Content
- Sexual Exploitation
- Suicide & Self Injury
- Violent Extremism
Wildlife Studios expects all of our players to treat our employees, contractors and affiliates with kindness and respect. We therefore do not tolerate the mistreatment of our employees or affiliates in any form, including via email, customer support tickets or community channels. Any account found to violate this policy will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content threatening physical harm to any employee/affiliate or their family.
- Content wishing death, illness or serious harm to any employee/affiliate or their family.
- Content threatening to share any employee/affiliate's personal information.
- Content harassing any of our employees/affiliates in any way.
- Content threatening to damage or harm any of Wildlife Studios' offices.
Wildlife Studios is committed to providing a fun, safe, and inclusive environment for all players, and we do not tolerate behaviors that shame, intimidate, or harass other players.
When an account is found to have posted content considered intimidation or harassment, it will be subject to actions including, but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent closure of the game account
- Changes to usernames or clans
- Revocation of in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that insults or belittles another person based on attributes such as intellect, appearance, personality traits, or hygiene
- Content that encourages coordinated harassment
- Content that belittles victims of violent tragedies
- Content that wishes death, serious illness, or other serious harm upon an individual or public figure
- Content that appears to deliberately harm or intimidate another person.
Profanity is also not allowed in our apps. It's important to keep in mind that we have players from all over the world, and what may not be harmful to one person may be to another.
Targeted profanity
Do not post:
- Content targeted at other players referencing genitalia or anus
- Content demanding involvement in sexual activities
- Content demanding involvement with feces, urine, or sexual bodily fluids
- Claims of content regarding sexual activity with family members
Non-targeted profanity
Do not post:
- Words or phrases considered vulgar, profane, or obscene.
- References to commonly sexualized body parts in non-medical contexts.
- Religiously profane terms
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards players who implement or discuss any cheating methods. Players found to be involved or promoting cheats and/or hacks will be subject to actions taken against their accounts (without prior notice), including but not limited to:
- Permanent closure of the game account
- Changes to usernames or clans
- Revocation of in-game currency or items
Do not:
- Use cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind
- Post content promoting, advertising, or encouraging the use of cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind
- Post cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind for content sharing
We also explicitly prohibit players from using our apps on devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken) and treat this as a zero-tolerance violation.
Do not:
- Play any of our games using devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken).
- Promote, advertise, or encourage the use of devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken) to play our games.
- Post content-sharing methods on how to jailbreak devices.
As outlined in our Terms of Service, we explicitly forbid our services from being used commercially, for a promotional purpose, or for the benefit of any third-party or in any manner not permitted by the Terms.
We define commercial content to be content intended for the advertisement of a product, a service or an activity
We do not allow any content considered to be cruel and/or insensitive. When an account is found to have posted content considered to be Cruel and/or Insensitive, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content speaking positively of or mocking any individual or group visibly experiencing:
- Premature death including death from murder, manslaughter, accidents or other tragedies.
- Illness that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Injury that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Physical Violence or Bullying
- Sexual Violence
- Injuries from Self-harm
- Famine or Starvation
- Effects of Eating Disorders
- Effects of Natural or Man-made Disasters
- Effects of War
- Content speaking positively of or mocking any individual or group known to have experienced:
- Premature death including death from murder, manslaughter, accidents or other tragedies.
- Illness that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Injury that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Physical Violence or Bullying
- Sexual Violence
- Injuries from Self-harm
- Famine or Starvation
- Effects of Eating Disorders
- Effects of Natural or Man-made Disasters
- Effects of War
- Content speaking positively of or mocking the concept of:
- Illness that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Injury that severely reduces quality of life or threatens life.
- Sexual Violence
- Suicide or Self-harm
- Famine or Starvation
- Eating Disorders
- Casualties of natural disasters, man-made disasters or war.
Mocking is defined as:
- Ridiculing, laughing at or making jokes about a designated entity or associated event.
We have zero-tolerance policies against the doxxing of another person. We define doxxing as the act of publishing personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) with malicious intent.
When an account is found to have doxxed another player, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Text that threatens to reveal personal data or personally identifiable information (PII), including residential address, private email address, private phone number, bank statement, social security number, or passport number.
- Text that incites or encourages others to reveal another person's personal data, or personally identifiable information (PII).
We do not allow violent or graphic content to be shared in our apps under any circumstances. When an account is found to have posted or shared graphic content, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Wildlife Studios also does not tolerate any content that constitutes the praise, support or representation of terrorist entities including but not limited to terrorist individuals, organisations or ideologies. Players found to be posting content considered to be terrorist content will be subject to:
- Permanent chat suspension
- Permanent game account closure
Do not post:
- Any content depicting graphic violence, including graphic imagery of humans or animals in a medical, educational, fictional or awareness-raising context.
- Any content linking to imagery depicting graphic violence, including graphic imagery of humans or animals in a medical, educational, fictional or awareness-raising context.
We don't tolerate any hateful behaviour or discrimination towards other players based on their protected characteristics. Players found to be posting content considered to be hateful will be subject to having actions taken against their account (without prior notice) including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Wildlife Studios also does not tolerate any content that constitutes the praise, support or representation of terrorist entities including but not limited to terrorist individuals, organisations or ideologies. Players found to be posting content considered to be terrorist content will be subject to:
- Permanent chat suspension
- Permanent game account closure
Attacks against Protected Characteristics
Wildlife Studios defines Hateful Content as comments, usernames, Clan names or imagery that attack, dehumanise, threaten, incite or promote violence against an individual or a group on the basis of the following protected characteristics:
- Race
- Ethnicity
- National Origin
- Religious Affiliation
- Ancestry
- Caste
- Sexual Orientation
- Gender
- Gender Identity
- Serious Medical Condition
- Disability
- Immigration Status
- Refugee Status
Do not post:
Hateful Content related to an individual or group’s protected characteristic that:
- Incites, promotes or supports violence or harm against them.
- Incites, promotes or supports hate crimes towards them.
- Targets them with slurs which are inherently offensive and used as insulting labels.
- Compares them to animals, inanimate objects or other non-human entities including but not limited to filth, disease, bacteria and feces.
- Compares them to monsters or sub-human entities (fictional or non-fictional).
- Claims that they are criminals of any kind or attempts to compare them to such.
- Claims that they are physically, morally, mentally or generally inferior.
- Expresses contempt, disgust or disapproval towards them.
- Denies their existence.
- Calls for their exclusion.
- Curses at or directs vulgar language towards them.
Hateful Ideologies
Wildlife Studios recognises that there are certain ideologies and beliefs that are inherently tied to attempts to organise people around calls for hateful behaviour against others based on their protected characteristics. We therefore also take action against players who post content that supports such ideologies within our games.
Do not post:
- Content that promotes, praises, supports or represents any hateful ideology.
- Content that contains names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects related to a hateful ideology.
- Content that mocks or denies well-documented hate crimes that have taken place against a group under a protected characteristic.
- Claims of supremacy over a group of people with reference to other protected characteristics.
- Conspiracy theories used to justify hateful ideologies.
We do not allow players to discuss or promote illegal, dangerous or highly-regulated activities. We also do not allow players to encourage others to violate laws local or otherwise. When a player is found to have engaged in or promoted illegal and/or regulated activities, their account will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that promotes, supports or encourages the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription drugs.
- Content that encourages minors to violate their local laws such as drinking alcohol or smoking.
- Content containing a statement of intent or aspirational/conditional statements to engage in election fraud or vote interference.
- Content containing statements promoting, calling to action or encouraging others to engage in election fraud or vote interference.
- Content containing statements promoting, calling to action or encouraging others to commit property damage or theft in the real-world.
We explicitly forbid any player from impersonating an employee or any volunteer/affiliate of the company. When an account is found to have engaged in impersonation, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content communicating in any way that makes it appear that the communication originates from Wildlife Studios.
- Content claiming to be an employee of the company.
- Content claiming to be a volunteer or affiliate of the company (such as an admin or moderator).
- Content claiming to have authority over other players via special privileges or positions granted by Wildlife Studios.
We also do not allow:
- Usernames that make it appear that the player account is an official account used by Wildlife Studios or any volunteer/affiliate.
- Clan Names that make it appear that the Clan is an official one used by Wildlife Studios or any volunteer/affiliate.
We are deeply committed to ensuring the protection of minors within Wildlife's games. We have zero-tolerance policies on any activities that cause harm, endanger, or exploit minors. Wildlife considers a minor to be any person under the age of 18. Users must meet the minimum age requirement to use any of Wildlife's games which is 13.
Any content including text, photographic, animation, digitally created or manipulated images that depict nudity or abuse of minors is a violation and will result in immediate and permanent action taken against the account. When appropriate, we report violating content (text and image-based) to the National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) and/or other relevant legal authorities. We report all violating content; rather, this content is self-generated by minors or a peer of a similar age.
Do not post:
- Child sexual abuse material imagery. This is defined as any visual depiction of a minor that is sexually explicit contains nudity or sexual conduct, whether captured or posted by adults, peers, peers of the same or similar age or self-generated by minors.
- Content that depicts praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages participation in paedophilia or the sexual assault of a minor. Content including user names and clan descriptions that state the account holder is a paedophile or a minor sex offender will be taken at face value, and the account will be permanently banned.
Do not engage in any inappropriate interactions with children. This includes but is not limited to:
- Engaging in sexual or sexually suggestive conversations with minors.
- Requesting sexual material from a minor.
- Arranging or planning real-world sexual encounters with a minor.
- Sexual role play with a minor.
We explicitly forbid in our games any content considered to be misleading or deceptive with serious risk of egregious harm, regardless of sharing intention. This includes misinformation that can cause real-world harm, such as anti-vaccination rhetoric, conspiracy theories and Covid-19 denialism.
When an account is found to have posted misinformation, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Misinformation pertaining to Democratic Elections or Election Results
Do not post:
- Content aiming to mislead voters about the time, place, means, or eligibility requirements for voting, or false claims that could materially discourage voting.
- Content that advances false claims related to the technical eligibility requirements for current political candidates and sitting elected government officials to serve in office. Eligibility requirements considered are based on applicable national law, and include age, citizenship, or vital status.
- Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of select past national elections, after final election results are officially certified.
Misinformation pertaining to Vaccines
Do not post:
- Content alleging that vaccines cause chronic side effects outside of the rare side effects that are recognized by official health authorities.
- Content claiming that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of disease.
- Content misrepresenting the substances contained in vaccines.
Misinformation pertaining to Covid-19
Do not post:
- Content that denies the existence of COVID-19.
- Claims that approved COVID-19 tests cannot diagnose COVID-19, or that they are dangerous or cause negative physical health effects.
- Content that promotes prevention methods for contraction that contradict local health authorities or WHO.
- Content that encourages the use of home remedies, prayer, or rituals in place of medical treatment such as consulting a doctor or going to the hospital.
- Content that promotes transmission of information that contradicts local health authorities or WHO.
- Conspiracy theories surrounding Covid-19, including but not limited to blaming specific states or state bodies for the outbreak.
Misinformation pertaining to Dangerous Procedures
Do not post:
- Content that promotes unrecognised or unsafe medical procedures such as Conversion Therapy or Chelation Therapy for Autism treatment.
We must emphasise that sending false reports may lead to actions being taken against your own account.
Actions taken against your account include entail:
- Code of Conduct Warnings
- Temporary chat suspensions
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent chat suspension
- Permanent game account closure
We explicitly forbid in our games any content considered to be political speech. We define political speech as the expression related to past, present, or future government actions, political parties, candidates for office or political officeholders, or elections, in addition to their relation to any discussion of social issues and national referendums.
When an account is found to have posted political speech, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that discusses political entities or associated events.
- Content that praises, supports or represents political entities or their supporters.
- Content that mocks or condemns political entities or their supporters.
- Content that discusses past, present or future events associated with political entities or their supporters.
- Content that praises, supports or represents real-world or fictional events associated with political entities or their supporters.
- Content that condemns or mocks real-world or fictional events associated with political entities or their supporters.
- Content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit individuals to, political organisations.
- Content that encourages exclusion or boycotting political entities or their supporters.
- Content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects meant to represent political entities or their supporters.
A Political Entity is defined as:
- A politician
- A political organisation
- A political ideology
- A political or social movement
Discussion is defined as:
- The action or process of talking about a political entity in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
- A conversation or debate about a political entity.
- A detailed treatment of a political entity in speech or imagery.
Praise is defined as:
- Speaking positively about a designated entity or associated event.
- Give a designated entity or associated event a sense of achievement.
Support is defined as:
- Aligning oneself ideologically with a designated entity or associated event.
- Any act which improves the financial status of a designated entity – including funnelling money towards or away from a designated entity.
- Any act which provides material aid to a designated entity or event.
Representation is defined as:
- Stating that you are a member of a designated entity, or are a designated entity.
- Channelling information or resources, including official communications, on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Gathering support on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Putting out a call to action on behalf of a designated entity or event.
Condemnation is defined as:
- Expressing disapproval, dislike or hatred of a designated entity or associated event.
Mocking is defined as:
- Ridiculing, laughing at or making jokes about a designated entity or associated event.
Wildlife Studios reserves the right to consider information available on other platforms and offline to identify political entities within our games.
We limit in our games certain content pertaining to religious speech. We define religious speech as the condemnation, mocking or representation of a religious entity or associated religious event.
When an account is found to have posted religious speech that violates our policy, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that supports or represents religious entities or their followers.
- Content that mocks or condemns religious entities or their followers.
- Content that discusses past, present or future events associated with religious entities or their followers.
- Content that praises, supports or represents past, present or future events associated with religious entities or their followers.
- Content that condemns or mocks past, present or future events associated with religious entities or their followers.
- Content that encourages participation in, attempts to recruit for or convert individuals to religions.
- Content that encourages exclusion or boycotting of religious entities.
A Religious Entity is defined as:
- A religious figure
- A religious institution
- A religious ideology
- A religious ritual or sacrament
- A religious movement
Support is defined as:
- Aligning oneself ideologically with a designated entity or associated event.
- Any act which improves the financial status of a designated entity – including funnelling money towards or away from a designated entity.
- Any act which provides material aid to a designated entity or event.
Representation is defined as:
- Channelling information or resources, including official communications, on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Gathering support on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Putting out a call to action on behalf of a designated entity or event.
Condemnation is defined as:
- Expressing disapproval, dislike or hatred of a designated entity or associated event.
Mocking is defined as:
- Ridiculing, laughing at or making jokes about a designated entity or associated event.
Wildlife Studios reserves the right to consider information available on other platforms and offline to identify religious entities within our games.
We restrict the sharing of sexually explicit content both in images and text. When an account is found to have posted sexual content in one of our apps, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Text that references sexual acts or sexual arousal.
- Text that depicts, discusses, promotes or glorifies sexual solicitation, including offering or asking for sexual partners/services, sexual chats or imagery.
Some of our games permit the upload of imagery or the creation of avatars, buildings and villages.
Where our games permit any of the above we have strict policies on sexual content and do not permit this content in any of our games rather images are animated, digitally created or manipulated.
Do not post:
- Imagery depicting nudity.
- Imagery that depicts sexual acts or sexual arousal.
- Imagery that depicts, promotes or glorifies sexual solicitation, including offering or asking for sexual partners/services, sexual chats or imagery.
- Sexually suggestive content.
Wildlife studios want to create fun environments where you chat and make friends. However, due to the mixed aged audience in our games, we do not allow our games to facilitate the dating of any kind.
Do not post:
- Content seeking a dating partner or chat.
- Content soliciting or offering a romantic relationship.
- Content soliciting or offering romantic role play conversations.
- Content inquiring about another user's relationship status.
- Content or usernames announcing your own relationship status to other users.
We have zero-tolerance policies on any language considered sexually aggressive or sexually threatening. When an account is found to have posted content considered to be sexually exploitative, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that threatens to rape or sexual assault another person.
- Content that admits to raping or sexually assaulting another person.
- Content that depicts praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages rape or sexual assault.
- Content that depicts praises, supports, promotes, advocates for, provides instructions for or encourages bestiality, necrophilia or incest.
- Content that solicits or offers any sexual activity in exchange for money or material goods or services.
Wildlife Studios provides resources to people who post written admissions of engagement or thoughts of self-injury or thoughts of suicide.
We deeply care about the safety of the people who play our games. We allow players to discuss these topics amongst themselves to share their experiences and seek support.
Please refer to our Well-being Resource Centre if you are looking for well-being support.
We do not allow players to intentionally or unintentionally praise, support, promote, advocate for, provide instructions for, or encourage suicide or self-injury. Players found to be posting harmful content pertaining to suicide & self-injury will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that praises, supports, promotes, advocates for suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders.
- Content that provides instructions for suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders.
- Content that encourages suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders.
- Content that mocks victims or survivors of suicide, self-injury or eating disorders who are either publicly known or implied to have experienced suicide or self-injury.
Wildlife Studios is committed towards providing a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all players, and we don't allow players to use our apps to threaten or incite violence, or to promote dangerous organisations or individuals. We will also report threats to relevant legal authorities if deemed necessary. Players found to be posting content considered to be hateful will be subject to having actions taken against their account (without prior notice) including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Wildlife Studios also does not tolerate any content that constitutes the praise, support or representation of terrorist entities including but not limited to terrorist individuals, organisations or ideologies. Players found to be posting content considered to be terrorist content will be subject to:
- Permanent chat suspension
- Permanent game account closure
Violent Threats and Incitement to Violence
Do not post:
- Content containing threats of violence.
- Content containing incitement to violence.
We consider threats of violence to be:
- Statements of intent to inflict real-world physical violence against an individual or a group.
- Statements of intent to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence.
- Conditional or aspirational statements to inflict real-world physical violence against an individual or a group.
- Conditional or aspirational statements to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence.
We consider incitement to violence to be:
- Content that encourages others to commit real-world physical violence.
- Content that advocates for real-world physical violence.
- Conditional or aspirational statements that encourage other people to commit real-world physical violence.
- Calls to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with physical violence.
- Instructions on how to make or use weapons with an intent to incite real-world physical violence.
Dangerous Organisations and Individuals
We do not allow the presence of organisations or individuals who promote or are engaged in violence in our games. Such entities include but are not limited to:
- Terrorists and Terror Organisations: Non-state actors that use or threaten to use violence, and/or commit serious crimes (such as crimes against humanity) against civilian populations in pursuit of political, religious, ethnic, or ideological objectives.
- Hate Figures and Hate Groups: Entities who attack people based on their protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include actions that incite violence or hatred, dehumanise individuals or groups, or embrace a hateful ideology.
- Criminal Figures and Criminal Organisations: Transnational, national, or local entities that have engaged in crimes, including violent crimes (e.g., homicide, rape, robbery, assault), trafficking (e.g., human, organ, drug, weapons), kidnapping, financial crimes (e.g., extortion, blackmail, fraud, money laundering), or cybercrime.
- Militia groups: Non-state actors that use weapons as a part of their training, communication or presence; and are structured or operate as unofficial military or security forces, and coordinate in preparation for violence or civil war; or distribute information about the tactical use of weapons for combat; or coordinate militarised tactical coordination in a present or future armed civil conflict or civil war.
- Groups Supporting Violent Acts amid Protests: Non-state actors that repeatedly coordinate, promote, admit to or engage in acts of street violence against civilians or law enforcement; or arson, looting or other destruction of property; or threaten to violently disrupt an election process; or promote bringing weapons to a location when the stated intent is to intimidate people amid a protest.
- Other Violent Non-State Actors: Any non-state actor that engages in purposive and planned acts of violence, primarily against a government military or other armed groups and causes or attempts to cause death to persons taking direct part in hostilities in an armed conflict, and/or deprive communities of access to vital infrastructure and natural resources, and/or bring significant damage to property, linked to death, serious injury or serious harm to civilians.
- Serial Killers: Any individual who has committed or attempted to commit two or more murders over multiple incidents or locations.
- Mass Murderers: Any individual who has committed or attempted to commit a violent crime which resulted in three or more casualties in a single incident, casualties here defined as deaths or serious injuries.
Do not post:
- Content that praises, supports or represents dangerous entities.
- Content that praises, supports or represents real-world or fictional events associated with dangerous entities.
- Content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit individuals to, dangerous organisations.
- Content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects meant to represent dangerous entities.
We consider Praise to be:
- Speaking positively about a designated entity or associated event.
- Give a designated entity or event a sense of achievement.
- Legitimising the cause of a designated entity by making claims that their hateful, violent or criminal conduct is legally, morally or otherwise justified or acceptable.
We consider Support to be:
- Aligning oneself ideologically with a designated entity or associated event.
- Any act which improves the financial status of a designated entity – including funnelling money towards or away from a designated entity.
- Any act which provides material aid to a designated entity or event.
We consider Representation to be:
- Stating that you are a member of a designated entity, or are a designated entity.
- Channelling information or resources, including official communications, on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Recruiting on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Putting out a call to action on behalf of a designated entity or event.
Wildlife Studios reserves the right to consider information available on other platforms and offline to identify dangerous entities within our games.