Hey Zoobsters!


We are introducing some well deserved changes on items! Take a look below to learn more!


Happy Treat & Bandage

As the most popular items, they’ve been upgraded from gold rarity to unique.

The Bandage upgrade also comes with a significant buff in damage recovered and a small nerf on speed of recovery. For Happy Treat, the buff will come in heal speed with a small nerf on the time you have to wait to start healing.


Vampire Teeth

Vampire Teeth has always felt like a golden item and now it has earned that classification. 

Also the item receives a small buff on the % of life steal.


Wake-up Coffee

We’re upgrading Wake-up Coffee to silver rarity. Also we’re buffing both the pick-up speed and overall character speed provided by the item, while slightly nerfing its duration.


Helium Canister, Doctor’s Coat & Defibrillator

These items have always felt a bit underwhelming for their rarities, so we’re downgrading Helium Canister from gold to silver, Doctor’s Coat from gold to bronze and Defibrillator from silver to bronze. These downgrades will come without any nerfs to the items.



Snorkel receives a small buff for the amount of time you can spend underwater.

And that’s it, Zoobsters! Check out our Facebook Group and Discord Server to join the discussion with our community of players! 


See you at the Zoo!