Wildlife Studios is committed towards providing a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all players, and we don't allow players to use our apps to threaten or incite violence, or to promote dangerous organisations or individuals. We will also report threats to relevant legal authorities if deemed necessary. Players found to be posting content considered to be hateful will be subject to having actions taken against their account (without prior notice) including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Wildlife Studios also does not tolerate any content that constitutes the praise, support or representation of terrorist entities including but not limited to terrorist individuals, organisations or ideologies. Players found to be posting content considered to be terrorist content will be subject to:
- Permanent chat suspension
- Permanent game account closure
Violent Threats and Incitement to Violence
Do not post:
- Content containing threats of violence.
- Content containing incitement to violence.
We consider threats of violence to be:
- Statements of intent to inflict real-world physical violence against an individual or a group.
- Statements of intent to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence.
- Conditional or aspirational statements to inflict real-world physical violence against an individual or a group.
- Conditional or aspirational statements to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with violence.
We consider incitement to violence to be:
- Content that encourages others to commit real-world physical violence.
- Content that advocates for real-world physical violence.
- Conditional or aspirational statements that encourage other people to commit real-world physical violence.
- Calls to bring weapons to a real-world location with the intent to intimidate or threaten an individual or group with physical violence.
- Instructions on how to make or use weapons with an intent to incite real-world physical violence.
Dangerous Organisations and Individuals
We do not allow the presence of organisations or individuals who promote or are engaged in violence in our games. Such entities include but are not limited to:
- Terrorists and Terror Organisations: Non-state actors that use or threaten to use violence, and/or commit serious crimes (such as crimes against humanity) against civilian populations in pursuit of political, religious, ethnic, or ideological objectives.
- Hate Figures and Hate Groups: Entities who attack people based on their protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include actions that incite violence or hatred, dehumanise individuals or groups, or embrace a hateful ideology.
- Criminal Figures and Criminal Organisations: Transnational, national, or local entities that have engaged in crimes, including violent crimes (e.g., homicide, rape, robbery, assault), trafficking (e.g., human, organ, drug, weapons), kidnapping, financial crimes (e.g., extortion, blackmail, fraud, money laundering), or cybercrime.
- Militia groups: Non-state actors that use weapons as a part of their training, communication or presence; and are structured or operate as unofficial military or security forces, and coordinate in preparation for violence or civil war; or distribute information about the tactical use of weapons for combat; or coordinate militarised tactical coordination in a present or future armed civil conflict or civil war.
- Groups Supporting Violent Acts amid Protests: Non-state actors that repeatedly coordinate, promote, admit to or engage in acts of street violence against civilians or law enforcement; or arson, looting or other destruction of property; or threaten to violently disrupt an election process; or promote bringing weapons to a location when the stated intent is to intimidate people amid a protest.
- Other Violent Non-State Actors: Any non-state actor that engages in purposive and planned acts of violence, primarily against a government military or other armed groups and causes or attempts to cause death to persons taking direct part in hostilities in an armed conflict, and/or deprive communities of access to vital infrastructure and natural resources, and/or bring significant damage to property, linked to death, serious injury or serious harm to civilians.
- Serial Killers: Any individual who has committed or attempted to commit two or more murders over multiple incidents or locations.
- Mass Murderers: Any individual who has committed or attempted to commit a violent crime which resulted in three or more casualties in a single incident, casualties here defined as deaths or serious injuries.
Do not post:
- Content that praises, supports or represents dangerous entities.
- Content that praises, supports or represents real-world or fictional events associated with dangerous entities.
- Content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit individuals to, dangerous organisations.
- Content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, salutes, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other objects meant to represent dangerous entities.
We consider Praise to be:
- Speaking positively about a designated entity or associated event.
- Give a designated entity or event a sense of achievement.
- Legitimising the cause of a designated entity by making claims that their hateful, violent or criminal conduct is legally, morally or otherwise justified or acceptable.
We consider Support to be:
- Aligning oneself ideologically with a designated entity or associated event.
- Any act which improves the financial status of a designated entity – including funnelling money towards or away from a designated entity.
- Any act which provides material aid to a designated entity or event.
We consider Representation to be:
- Stating that you are a member of a designated entity, or are a designated entity.
- Channelling information or resources, including official communications, on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Recruiting on behalf of a designated entity or event.
- Putting out a call to action on behalf of a designated entity or event.
Wildlife Studios reserves the right to consider information available on other platforms and offline to identify dangerous entities within our games.