We do not allow players to discuss or promote illegal, dangerous or highly-regulated activities. We also do not allow players to encourage others to violate laws local or otherwise. When a player is found to have engaged in or promoted illegal and/or regulated activities, their account will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content that promotes, supports or encourages the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription drugs.
- Content that encourages minors to violate their local laws such as drinking alcohol or smoking.
- Content containing a statement of intent or aspirational/conditional statements to engage in election fraud or vote interference.
- Content containing statements promoting, calling to action or encouraging others to engage in election fraud or vote interference.
- Content containing statements promoting, calling to action or encouraging others to commit property damage or theft in the real-world.