Club Slam

Let us introduce you to our fun new social event, Club Slam!

Note: this feature will go live on Monday, October 18th

What is Club Slam?

Club Slam is a whole new way to interact with your Club, strengthen relationships with your Club members, and challenge other Clubs to be the best in Tennis Clash!

Where Can I find it?

When Club Slam goes live, make your way over to the Social tab to find this new feature under ‘Club Slam’ to find yourself in the Athletes Village.

How does it work?

Your Club will be competing in a group of 5 Clubs to earn ‘Slam Points’. The amount of Slam Points earned per match will be determined by the following criteria:

Result: a win will reward you with double the Slam Points of a loss.

Club League: the higher your Club’s league position, the more points your members will get from matches, so work your way up the ranks to earn bigger and better rewards! All the information for this can be found in our FAQ

Each day, you will be able to play 4 matches, two on hard court and one each on clay and grass. You can only use one character per match meaning you will need to use 4 different lineups to complete all 4 matches. We look forward to seeing your fresh and exciting new strategies on the court!

There is no fee to play a match and trophies will not be affected by wins and losses.

Players who lose matches will be able to purchase retries with gems. Players who purchase a retry will be able to choose one character to “reset”.

At the end of the event, your Club may be promoted or demoted depending on your final position. Club members will earn a reward as long as they are eligible (players have 24 hours after the start of a Club Slam event to join a club to be eligible and have to have played at least one match).

Where can I check my lineup?

Within the Village, you can prepare your lineup (one for each character) and check the “cooldown” on each character to see when they can compete again. You can also check the rankings to see how your club is doing, how much time is left in the competition, and see what prizes you are currently going to get.

What will be used to determine matchmaking?

Matchmaking will be determined by your Club League position.

How long does each event last?

Club Slam will run for 4 days each week, starting on Mondays and finishing on Thursdays

What if both Clubs have the same amount of points at the end of the event?

The Club that reaches the number of points first will be declared the winner.

Will Club Slam replace the Club League?

Club Leagues will be taking a break when Club Slam goes live, but it will return in the future. The two events will not run simultaneously. We will inform players ahead of time when Club Leagues will return.

If a Club is created during the middle of Club Slam can it participate?

You may be able to join for a brief period of time after the event starts, but if there are not enough Clubs you will have to wait till the next cycle.

You can also check our FAQ for more information about this new social event!

We will also be posting our 2nd On The Court developer blog on October 27th, which will provide further insight into the development of Club Slam, along with answering questions or addressing feedback on this new feature.