We explicitly forbid any player from impersonating an employee or any volunteer/affiliate of the company. When an account is found to have engaged in impersonation, it will be subject to actions including but not limited to:
- Temporary game suspensions
- Permanent game account closure
- User or Clan name changes
- Revoked in-game currency or items
Do not post:
- Content communicating in any way that makes it appear that the communication originates from Wildlife Studios.
- Content claiming to be an employee of the company.
- Content claiming to be a volunteer or affiliate of the company (such as an admin or moderator).
- Content claiming to have authority over other players via special privileges or positions granted by Wildlife Studios.
We also do not allow:
- Usernames that make it appear that the player account is an official account used by Wildlife Studios or any volunteer/affiliate.
- Clan Names that make it appear that the Clan is an official one used by Wildlife Studios or any volunteer/affiliate.