Cheating and hacks

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards players who implement or discuss any cheating methods. Players found to be involved or promoting cheats and/or hacks will be subject to actions taken against their accounts (without prior notice), including but not limited to:

  • Permanent closure of the game account
  • Changes to usernames or clans
  • Revocation of in-game currency or items

Do not:

  • Use cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind
  • Post content promoting, advertising, or encouraging the use of cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind
  • Post cheats, hacks, or APK modifications of any kind for content sharing

We also explicitly prohibit players from using our apps on devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken) and treat this as a zero-tolerance violation.

Do not:

  • Play any of our games using devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken).
  • Promote, advertise, or encourage the use of devices modified to be unlocked (jailbroken) to play our games.
  • Post content-sharing methods on how to jailbreak devices.


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