On September 6th and 8th, Nathalia Karmaluk, External Development Manager from our Game Dev Hub, joined PUGA Studios at the External Development Summit (XDS) 23, in Vancouver, Canada. The annual event gathered hundreds of international attendees – from over 45 countries – to advance the practice of external development for the games industry. With three days of networking and knowledge sharing, game developers, vendors, middleware providers and trade organizations could participate in roundtable discussions, panels and talks on topics ranging from best practices to learnings and future perspectives.
Nathalia, alongside Vanessa Nery, Senior Business Development from PUGA Studios, moderated the roundtable discussion “Ensuring Development Alignment: How?” focused on improving communication between internal and external teams for internal processes. The conversation included industry experts seeking insights and learnings on how Wildlife is leveraging external development to improve our products. Relevant topics for those looking to understand how to execute outsourcing projects effectively and productively were highlighted. Investing in a clear and structured briefing, providing continuous feedback, and maintaining clear and direct communication were some of the points raised by participants.
“It was a very important moment to understand where we got it right and learn from the experiences of other industry professionals. This knowledge exchange has helped us to validate the strategies we have been adopting and to have clarity on improvement opportunities. In addition, being alongside PUGA, with whom we have been working together for the past 3 years was very significant,” emphasized Nathalia.
Besides moderating the roundtable, attending XDS was an opportunity to interact with other outsourcing professionals and Wildlife’s partners, sharing insights and prospecting new partnerships. “The event brought together practically all industry professionals – from those who provide external services to those who develop and publish games. It was very enriching in terms of new knowledge but also for strengthening relationships, whether with people I had already worked with or with those I intend to work with in the near future,” concluded Nathalia.
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